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Finger Limes Grafted (Citrus Caviar)

Finger Limes Grafted (Citrus Caviar)


Please contact for availability 

Shipping only in Florida!!


Giant Green Finger Limes

Green Finger Limes

Red Finger Limes

Sizes 1-5-7-10-15 gallons

Starting at $35


Finger Limes are native to Australia

Tastes similar to limes but less sourness.

Self pollinating but will provide a better harvest when cross polination occurs.

USDA Zone: 8-11 outside

Inside a container USDA Zone 4-11

Cold hardy to about 35'F

Maturity Size: 3-5ft. Can grow up to upto 9ft tall in prime conditions.

Finger limes thrive in temperatures above 90'F during summers and above 40'F in mild winters.

Sun: thrives in filtered light, but also grows well in full sun.

Water: plenty of water to keep soil moist at all times. If it's not in direct sun water once every 8-9 days might be suffice.

Soil: sandy loam well-drained with a pH balance 6 and 7. To improve the soil before planting work in some compost and manure. Into clay soils add some gypsum and create a raised mound to further improve drainage.


Can be used to garnish salads, tacos, fish, sushi, ceviche, chicken, pies, cheese cake, ice-cream, other desserts, and drinks. 


If your finger lime is not producing more than likely you need more water. Not enough water will result in tiny fruit dropping. 


How to Grow Finger Limes





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